The Village Marketplace and the Power of Trust

Earlier this year I heard from my friend Susan Ross at Lincoln Village about an idea she had for a Thrift Store. It was really more than a thrift store, it was more like a community center/ thrift store / arts and crafts center / coffee shop. I loved Susan’s vision but ultimately our effort but we could not find a space we could afford that was big enough. So after thinking and praying about this concept for a couple of months, Julie and I decided to just get on with it and open The Village Marketplace. In the words of my friend Emerson Fann, we decided to “jump off the cliff and build our wings on the way down”.

As a paradigm for project management, I don’t recommend Emerson’s method. But, if you are setting out with the knowledge that you don’t know where you’re going, you are not really lost! That’s confusing. I mean we set off to create income for our ministries and we understood that we did not know how to make that happen, or at least we did not fully understand. My grandfather moved from Ardmore, Tennessee to Huntsville on the train in the Nineteenth Century to work in a retail store and he later opened his own. So did my father, his son, and his stores eventually grew into a chain of 17 all over the South. I grew up in the stores and learned retail since before I can remember so I know more than a little about the business. Still, we have never run a thrift store.

So after jumping off, here’s a short synopsis of what’s happened:

  1. It cost more than we thought to operate
  2. We sold more than we thought we would, at least at first (almost $40,000 so far)
  3. We needed more space, almost immediately. So we had to rent another 2000 square feet over in Lincoln Mill (thanks Wayne Bonner!)
  4. Dusty and Tristan Graham, the managers we hired to direct, manage and otherwise operate the store turned out to be capital G “Golden”. They came with hearts as big as outdoors and a totally different way of operating a business. Together, I am 100% confident that a mixture of our styles and methods will produce an amazing result. Thanks be to God for the Graham’s.
  5. Nettie and Ron, the assistant managers Dusty and Tristan found through our friends at Lincoln Village ministries are so wonderful. They work hard, ask for little and deeply care about the Mission. They have five kids at Lincoln Academy and work just down the street at the store. It’s GREAT for them to be so close. A big win-win for everyone, and Nettie has started back to school! Way to go Nettie!
  6. Pete the Person, one of the homeless men Julie and I have been working with for three years is working at the store. He’s been in jail most of the last several months on panhandling charges. He’s trying to put some sober days together that will turn into sober weeks, then maybe he can get an apartment and some traction in life. The store is a huge blessing for these men, providing clothes and much more, through the patient (!) guidance of Ron and Nettie and Dusty and Tristan.
  7. Margo also has five kids and lives in public housing. She now has a place to work and be around good, hard-working people. Her kids are at MLK hoping to get into Lincoln Academy next year.
  8. Susan our old friend and employee for the last 12 years has also started working at the store. She works her other jobs too but is working more and more in the front of the store. She has also started back to school to become certified as a nurse assistant! That’s so wonderful.
  9. Lincoln Village ministries have poured into our store with activity, donations, volunteers, mentoring, general aid and encouragement. We loved them before but now, now they are family. To show our support recently we held a fund-raiser for them featuring Nashville recording artist Ronnie Freeman. It was at FUMC a couple of weekends ago and raised over $2300!
  10. Village of Promise is also a partner who has poured into the store. They have provided donations, support and great PR on their websites and blogs. Thanks for spreading the word so often! You guys are great!!
  11. Finally, our many friends at First Stop and The Village have rallied around and helped us get started. Nancy Jackson Martin and Danielle Clemons, thanks so much.

What’s next for Village Marketplace? We have absolutely no idea! But we trust, we have faith that it’ll be amazing. We do know that we have a big Thanksgiving sale coming up as well the push to the Christmas shopping season! Get excited!

Barak or Mitt, that is the question

I don’t talk about politics very often but it is something I believe we should talk about more, as a Nation.

I don’t find it distasteful at all, I am only advocating for my views, so here goes… Unlike some NRA friends of mine, I don’t hate the President, I think he’s a misguided social democrat who has more in common with Francois Holland than with most Americans but I don’t hate him. I don’t want to see him win again, for a number of reasons I could go into if anyone is interested.

But what about that “Mitt” guy? He is a very very rich man and that’s something that makes most people think he has done something unsavory, that he must have taken that big stack of money FROM someone. That’s NOT necessarily true of course. My business for example was successful because our service was $5 and our competitor’s was $50, and they were really really bad! Our first customers LOVED us (and are still our customers 12 years later) because we SAVED them $45 every time they bought our service, which they liked about 10 times more than the old one. Did we TAKE anything from anyone? No, we did not, unless you count the other company that we beat out for the business.

Still, I am not impressed with Mitt’s record of governance in Mass but you’d have to admit, he’s done WAY better than the President in that department. Here are a few metrics on spending, debt and jobs. The economy was clearly cooling rapidly when the President took office but still, his policies have hurt not helped.

So, a larger issue is this. The two men are clearly NOT the best men to run the country and that is disturbing. Why are more competent and more visionary men (and women) not stepping up? That’s a more insidious problem than Obama vs “Rmoney”. So while I wish there was another option, there’s not. As much as I respect Dr. Paul and his many followers, our system is not setup for a third party to be viable in 2012. Maybe 2016 or 2020 the Tea Party or the Greens or someone will have picked up enough steam but it is not going to happen in the next 90 days.

That leaves us with Mitt or Barak and I am going to speak out for Mitt. But, like most I am not doing it with much enthusiasm and I do not consider myself a Republican. Here’s the bottom line for me, then maybe we can talk about it, whoever wants to.

I make enough to make me one of the group Obama calls “Millionaires and Billionaires”, those people who make more than $250K. I also employ more than 25 people, with wives and kids that’s about 75 +/-. Every time my marginal tax rate goes up, my ability to expand that workforce and otherwise invest in my businesses is directly effected. I think most people envision The Donald when they think millionaires and billionaires, not the family that owns the Dry Cleaners, or the Funeral Home, or the Dairy Farm outside of town. Many of those people fall into Barak’s description of “the wealthy” but they still work 50+ hours a week, like me. So, when I hear Barak, taken out of context or not, telling hard working Americans that we somehow owe him and our country a debt for the roads and bridges, it gets me a little steamed.

Did I personally build those roads and bridges? No. But my father and his father paid for them with their taxes. The “government” did not build those either, WE built all that too! Road contractors and engineers hired by the government managed to construct the Eisenhower Interstate System DESPITE the government. Yes the project was conceived by Ike but where did that original $25 Billion come from? You know the answer to that one.

So when the President says “you didn’t build your company”, I know what he meant and I give him the benefit of the doubt. I accept that the structure of the United States, it’s laws and highways and schools and civil society has allowed me to succeed. But the President took it one more step, a step too far for me… Here’s the actual transcript (emphasis added):

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

I do not dispute anything said here by The President, except that last bit about the Internet. “The Government” certainly did not build the Internet “so that companies could make money off” it. That’s just silly, and very illuminating. What an odd way to view the world! So, what’s so wrong that I have taken all of lunch to write this to my friends and colleagues? It’s Barak’s presumption. His presumption that because the Government has managed to build something, that it has a claim on each of our businesses and property and lives? What’s up with that? His view is scary, and overreaching and in my opinion even a little dangerous.

So that’s my $0.02 people. Hope someone has something interesting to add!

Lincoln Academy Tutoring Schedule

Passing along a message from our friend Susan Ross at Lincoln Village Ministry.  Lincoln Academy, the new school in Lincoln Village, is starting their new school year TODAY — Praise the Lord!  The building is ready thanks to 100’s of volunteers and the teachers are excited! 
Lincoln Academy has 60 students this year and we would like each child to have a weekly tutor.  Tutoring will be from 11:30 to 12:00 once a week. 
These are the number of tutors needed for each day as of last week thursday:
  • M – 10
  • Tues – 7
  • W – 8
  • Thurs -11
  • Fri – 11
The commitment is small but the impact is HUGE and God is always faithful to grow your faith through this ministry!  If you are able, or know anyone who would be please contact Natalie Faught at Lincoln Academy, she is the tutor coordinator.  Her number is 256-527-1701 — you can text or call her.  Blessings,  Susan Ross

Village Marketplace Inc is Open for Donations!!

We’ve been talking about this for a month but now we’re ready to get going on the new store.  The space is open and available to accept donations, just call me or post here and we’ll arrange to meet you at the store.  We have limited staff so the pickup and delivery schedule will be limited as well.  What do we need?  Let’s see…

  • Cleaning Supplies:  Mop bucket, brooms, paper towels, windex, swiffers, dusters, clorox, dishwashing liquid, laundry soap, dryer sheets, vacuum cleaner, 5-gallon buckets, wet vac, etc.
  • Small Appliances/Electronics:  Computer screens, iPads, iPods, iPhones, computers, kitchen equipment, stereo equipment, speakers, turntables, DVDs and DVD players, Victrolas, Walkmen, hairdryers, straighteners, boom boxes, vending machines, washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.
  • Clothes:  Good condition pants, jeans, shirts, sweats, jackets, outerwear, sportswear, suits, pants, dresses, belts, ties (no underwear or swimwear).
  • Sporting Goods:  Balls, tarps, tents, stoves, lanterns, batteries, bats, hats, wickets, helmets, kurling stones, badminton rackets, darts, pogo sticks, swim boards, surfboards, bicycles, unicycles, bowling pins, shuttlecocks, tennis balls, etc.
  • Historic Huntsville:  Old photos, posters, vintage clothes, t-shirts, post cards, logo items, confederate material, evidence of yankee occupation, watercress, Von Braun’s neighbor’s memorabilia, shards of pre-NASA agrarian culture.
  • Housewares/ Furniture: Pots, pans, beds, dressers, tables, knick knacks, throw pillows, household items, lamps.
  • Jewelry: Costume, vintage, things you don’t think you’ll wear ever again, stuff you don’t want to the kids to get, anything gold or gold looking, or silver looking.

As you can see we need most everything, you can also see that we are going to have a good time with this new venture.  So far the Village Marketplace consists of Dusty and Tristan Graham, me and Julie, Luddy and Kevin from the street (they would not mind me saying that about them) and of course the first of our wonderful partners: Nancy Martin from Village Outreach, she’s been painting all day!  The other partners are also ready, Bobby Bradley from Village of Promise, Mark Stearns from Lincoln Village and Ann Marie Lang and Sakaneeh Bowden from First Stop are each walking through their Board’s approval process and will be officially joining before we open.  Oh yeah!  When do we open?

Opening day is scheduled for around July 1 but we will fill you in as we get closer.  So, if you have kids out of school and they need some work to do, or if you have a garage or basement full of stuff you don’t need, or if you have some time yourself to give back to your community, come on down!  We’re really having too much fun but it’s because we know we’re about to really help some pretty great people!  Post a comment here if you have something to add, we’ll contact you and get you connected.  – Matt


The start of something big in Lincoln Village!

A new shopping experience is coming to Lincoln Village this fall. Julie and I have rented a building at 1000 Meridian Street just north of Brooks and Collier and on the other side of the street, at the corner of Meridian and King. The new shop will feature clothes and other goods for the neighborhood plus a wide array of gifts and other stuff you’ll want. And coffee.

The objective is to provide a sustatainable revenue stream for local antipoverty campaigns working in the area and it’s going to work.  It’s all going to work because of the HUGE army of people being this effort, Julie and I are just trying to be the catalyst to get it rolling… It’s also going to work because of the management team of Dusty and Tristan Graham who dropped into our lives (how’d that happen?) and turned out to have tons of experience just when we needed it. It’s going to work because of the GREAT partners we already have onboard, including:

  • The Village, a 501c3 focused on finding street people and connecting them with services.
  • Lincoln Village Ministries, a 501c3 focused on breaking the cycle of generational poverty in the Lincoln Mill neighborhood.
  • The Village of Promise, a 501c3 focused on breaking the cycle of generational poverty in the University Place neighborhood.
  • First Stop, a 501c3 focused on engaging with the homeless community in the area.

At the end of each quarter, we’ll be distributing income to these groups to help advance their critical work.  They are changing Huntsville one relationship at a time and we are committed to help them.  Watch for more information coming up!  We’ll start accepting items for donation in the next few weeks.  Thanks everyone!  This will be fun!!!


Wayne Parker for Chairman

We’re really ramping up the Wayne Parker Campaign this week,  If you are interested at all in the future of Madison County you really need to pitch in and help get Wayne elected!  It’s important that the guy who’s going to follow Mike Gillespie’s 31 years as Chairman is really well connected to Washington and to Montgomery.  That guy is Wayne.  Call me and let’s get this done!

Downtown Rescue Mission delivers the goods for the poor!

The Downtown Rescue Mission is not really downtown.  It’s actually at the old Westminster Christian Academy campus off of Evangel, near University Drive and Sparkman.  But wherever the place is located, its a big deal.  The campus is large, 80,000+ square feet housing an average of 200 people each night.  They have both transient and in-house treatment programs for men and women.  They also accept children up to 13, and they currently have about 40 kids.

I toured the facility with‘s Melissa Hiley who has been hyper critical of the DRM.  In the 90’s she vividly recalls a person dying because the Mission closed and would not let people in after a certain time.  Now, the center has a 40 degree policy, it says that rules are suspended if the temps fall below 40 degrees.  That’s a logical compassionate policy and Melissa was impressed.

Overall, I think The Village can have a partnership with DRM, one that will benefit the street people of Huntsville greatly.  How cool is that?

Mezza Luna Fund/Friend Raiser a huge success

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the Fund/Friend Raiser last night!!!  We have a great turnout, extended cooperation between local poverty agencies, missions and ministries.  I saw the Village of Promise founder (Bobby Bradley) talking to a Downtown Rescue Mission board member (Scott Martin) and Lincoln Village founder (Mark Stearns).  I saw First Stop staff hugging The Village staff, and board members from both agencies coming together.  Maybe old rivalries and conflicts can become less relevant in the face of mutual love for the poor and homeless.

Altogether, our “friend raising” exceeded 100 new contacts and in dollars raised, we should be over $10,000.  Thanks again everyone for your help and show of support with your donations and your presence.  So here’s how to keep that mo going! – The Village Inc’s website, supporting Melissa and April and their Board with fund raising and marketing. The Village is a 501(3)(c) and is engaged in 24/7 monitoring of the camps.  Melissa and April and their host of volunteers physically visit an average of 2 or 3 camps per day, assessing disease states, mental function and simple physical needs like toiletries. I am proud to serve on the Board of Directors. – Mark Stearns homeless shelter project, I was wearing one during many of the announcements and drawings at the event.  Please donate to this cause!  We need more $$ to order more cloaks.  The first batch will be distributed in New Orleans during the BCS Championship game. – daytime homeless support on Stokes Street.  First Stop has housed dozens of homeless people just this year by walking them through the various hoops required to get housing from Section 8 and Huntsville Housing Authority.  They offer a Day Room, a washer and dryer, case management, a mailing address and a phone number the campers can use to keep in touch with family and a warm plate of food most mornings.  Their work is supported by a HUD grant, by the City of Huntsville and by donations from people like you!  First Stop is a 501(c)(3) organization. –  The Downtown Rescue Mission is a nonprofit organization serving the homeless living throughout northern Alabama and southern Tennessee. For more than 30 years, we have saved numerous lives and have had a profound impact on thousands of others by providing Christ-filled, enriched and compassionate services to those in desperate need. – Bobby Bradley and Gloria Batts started Village of Promise in 2010 to begin a long-term effort to break the cycle of generational poverty in Huntsville.  Inspired by her experience working with Lincoln Village Ministries and the Lincoln Village Preservation Corp for years, Bobby is initially focusing on University Place Elementary School with a Harlem Children Zone style “full-wrapper” program. I am proud to serve on Bobby’s Board of Directors.

Thanks again so much for your support and friendship.

Welcome to the new Huntsville Gives blog

I have scrapped the Ning-based site I was using for the last couple of years and have moved to WordPress.  I decided not to try and bring the limited content forward so we’re starting from scratch.  I am going to try and use this more for my own personal journey as well as the traditional focus of my blogged in the past, the promotion of the various ministries and service my family and I are doing.  Se welcome! Thanks for stopping by!